Thermoelectric films

(Bi2Te3, Bi2Sb3,BiSbTe)

Product Outline

High performance thermoelectric films are realized for thermoelectric power generation elements *1 and Peltier elements *2 by using electrodeposition technology. Electrodeposition enables the deposition of thick films and patterning of the materials using resist as a mold.

*1 Thermoelectric power generation elements generate electricity when a temperature difference is applied to them. They can be used for thermal power generation.

*2 Peltier elements generate a temperature difference when an electric current is applied to them and are used for electronic cooling.


1. Bi2Sb3film (n-type thermoelectric material)

  Thickness: 100 nm~ 1mm

  Seebeck coefficient: ~  -145 µV/K

  Electrical conductivity: ~  750 S/cm

  Thermal conductivity:   ~  0.8 W/mK

2. Bi-Sb-Te film (p-type thermoelectric material)

 Thickness: 100 nm~ 0.5 mm

 Seebeck coefficient: ~  250 µV/K

  Electrical conductivity: ~  10000 S/cm

 Bi:Sb:Te ratio ~ 0.12:0.28:0.6