Magnetostriction thin films
(TbDyFe, FeCoTb, FeGa)
* Japanese Patent 7233723
Product Outline
Magnetostriction materials can generate a strain by application of external magnetic fields. In addition, the magnetization and magnetic permeability can be changed by applying a stress. These materials can be applied to micro actuators, micro sensors, and energy harvesters. Their strains due to external magnetic field (magnetostriction coefficient) are 1000ppm for TbDyFe, ~100ppm FeCoTb and ~100ppm for FeGa.
Details of the TbDyFe thin film are described in the following journal paper.
Magnetostrictive Performance of Electrodeposited TbxDy(1-x)Fey Thin Film with Microcantilever Structures, Micromachines 2020, 11(5), 523;
Application of magnetostrictive thin films to compact systems
The TbDyFe thin film changes its volume by injecting a spin current in it, and functions as an actuator. It has potential applications as a compact and high-performance actuation device. The details can be found in the following journal paper.
Title of the paper: Observation of spin-current striction in a magnet, Journal: Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 2440 (2022).